In Toronto today, April 4th, 2003 we gathered to declare our support for America, and our outrage with our government's positions and behaviour. About 2,000 folks by my count made it out in freezing rain that shut down Pearson International, Canad's largest airport. These were people with jobs, folks of all ages. Taxpayers. I hop the Liberal strategists in Ottawa are shuddering right now. They made one of the greatest miscalculations in Canadian history. They believed we could stand away from America and no one owuld care. Wrong, idiots. We do care.
Five thousand in Ottawa last weekend, hundreds in Edmonton spontaneously, today in Toronto, and we haven't even seen what Calgary is going to do. I sense a stampede out here, eh.
Thank you America, for being America. For our protection, for your friendship. Chretien and his gang will be gone soon.
Meet some of the people who stand beside you. G-d Bless America.
Evil is evil, and must be opposed. We've seen
the results of waiting far too often.
Nice spring day in Toronto, eh?
Regime change in Ottawa? Bring it on!
mitchbert, complete with Yankees hat.
mitchbert's friend Taco Gold. Dutch by birth.
Friend of America for reasons I could
fill a page with.
What's a little freezing rain between friends, eh?
If we could only have such a choice.
Sign in the centre. White letters on black.