The Chief Justice has put away his
gold-barred robe and returned to the Supreme Court. Senators have gone home to their
districts. The nation can now "move on." And the Liar-in Chief, the
perjurer Clinton, sits smugly in the Oval Office he defiled with a cheshire-cat grin.
Once again he dodged the bullet, proving beyond all doubt that Americans are sheep
to the liberal media's shepherding. G-d help The United States of America.
I shake my head in amazement that honesty and personal integrity have become so peripheral
in North American public discourse. Americans, by and large, raised not a peep of
ire as a vile pornographer engaged in a public witch-hunt of public officials. Few
if any questioned the rantings of James Carville, even as his hateful venom degenerated
into lies and insults of the very values we supposedly hold dear. And no one, it
seems, was able to connect the dots between the scandals that have plagued the Clinton
administration and come to the logical conclusion that the White House was populated by a
power-drunk psuedo-couple who don't give a damn about who or what they destroy as long as
they remain in office. Want to run roughshod over the constitution? No
problem. Just hide the evidence. Need more money for your re-election
campaign? Simple. Just sell out National Security to a murderous communist
regime. Caught in the act? What the hell. Just lie and put pressure on
the media to sit on the story. And get your hollywood buddies, the lot of which have
the collective IQ of a piece of wood, to stand up and say how wonderful you are.
Shameful, and what's more, profoundly disturbing.
The corruption of truth and decency brought about
by Clinton and his defenders is staggering. Spin has been brought to a new level by
his supporters. As a public service, here's a brief summary of some of the arguments
Monica's boyfriend's defenders repeated ad nauseum to excuse their golden boy's behavior,
along with my rebuttals:
1. Its no big deal; everybody does it.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. Everybody doesn't do it.
Maybe they do in Hollywood, where people count their ex-spouses on their fingers and
toes, but anyone who thinks Hollywood is a reflection of reality needs their head shaken.
Marriage vows still mean something to most people, and unless I've been Rip Van
Winkle and not realized it they still include at least passing reference to fidelity.
Men who cheat on their wives are inherently dishonest and can't be trusted.
Any man who cheats on his wife will cheat you at business, on the golf course or in
personal affairs. I make every effort, both at work and play, to avoid having to
deal with these louts wherever possible. And I extend that not only to married men
but also those who screw around on their girlfriends. I don't see the difference,
frankly. Honesty is not a relative concept, and if he's cheating on her before
marriage he'll probably do it after the vows are sworn. Sure, I know some of the men
I work with have had affairs and I often have to deal with them, but I declare to each and
every one of them that may be reading this that I think you're bottom-feeding slime and
whatever stress and misery your actions cause you should be multiplied ten-fold. And
when your wife finds out I hope she dumps you and leaves you penniless in rags and trashes
your pathetic memory to your children. There are no valid excuses for adultery.
None. Any questions?
2. If Hillary doesn't care, neither do I.
Hillary Rodham is a dishonest, conniving fraud.
She is at least as big a liar as her husband. Her marriage is nothing but political
convenience. If she was upset with her husband at all it was only because she feared
being kicked out of her home. She couldn't care less if Bill was having sex with
Buddy as long as it didn't interfere with her own ambition. That the American people
so readily buy into her deception (didn't know about Monica until Bill told her, vast
right-wing conspiracy, etc) is astounding. Now she wants to run for the
Senate. Good for her. She doesn't realize that being First Lady has provided
her with a buffer from rabid questioning and attacks based on her history, both
professional and political. That won't exist if she dives in to elected politics.
My guess is once the fur starts to fly we'll see a vicious side to her that will
sicken many people. That will be one race I'll follow very closely.
3. Clinton's behaviour doesn't rise to the level of "High Crimes and
Rubbish. Thanks to the degradation of education by
our union-centric teaching establishments most Americans and Canadians under the age of 40
are historically and politically illiterate. This lie could only be propagated on a
public that has by and large never read the Federalist Papers. Even a casual scan of
Federalist 65-70 reveals that the Framers gave congress the ability to define high crimes
and misdemeanors as any behaviour likely to bring the office of the presidency into
disrepute. Congress could oust a president for trying to fix a traffic ticket if
they wanted to. Perjury and obstruction of justice are serious offences.
Clinton, the highest ranking law officer in the land, violated a sworn oath. He
should have been removed on principal if nothing else.
4. Leave him alone. He's been a good president for America.
Clinton sure has done a lot in his six years in office. In no
particular order he's:
- fired all the US Attorneys in the justice department and
replaced them with Arkansas friends.
- fired the travel office staff on trumped up charges (after
trying to smear them) and replaced them with (heard this one before?) Arkansas
- collected confidential FBI files of 800 political adversaries,
denied having them until forced to admit it, and probably used the information contained
in them to smear and/or blackmail.
- handed sensitive missile design information to China against
the advise of his security advisors, allowing them to perfect weapons that could one day
threaten the United States and its allies.
- allowed Vince Foster's office to be entered before police could get
there after his death, likely to remove files that could have substantiated criminal
activities regarding Whitewater and Lord knows what else.
- Seriously degraded the United States military's capabilities and
inventory of ordinance with a pointless attack on Iraq that had no clear purpose or end
- Bombed a drug factory in Sudan to deflect attention away from his
scandals without any real proof that it was a source of chemical weapons. This
was a shameless attack on a defenseless (and dirt-poor) nation that will do nothing but
increase the risk of more terrorism against Americans in the future.
- Engaged in the most hideous smear campaigns against anyone who sought
to bring his vile behaviour to light and possibly was involved in criminal intimidation of
potential witnesses against him including acts of break and enter and
threatening physical harm. People who have crossed Clinton are on the record of
being in fear for their lives at various times.
And this is just what comes to mind.
5. He's been a good president for women.
This one kills me. Would someone please explain to
me how taking advantage of a young woman barely out of her teens (who works for you) is no
big deal to feminist groups? Clarence Thomas was raked over the coals for simply
(allegedly) making crude remarks to Anita Hill. Businessmen are fired and disgraced
for merely suggesting that an employee consider fooling around. Clinton has made a
mockery out of workplace behaviour standards and the self-rightous lesbian bull-dyke
groups like NOW said nary a peep. If he'd been a republican the mere suggestion of
sexual impropriety (not to mention smearing any woman who came forward to talk about his
past) would have had women's groups in hysterics. I hope none of them are ever taken
seriously again but I'm not holding my breath.
William Jefferson Clinton will likely serve out the remainder of his term in relative
peace. The truth about his administration will probably not emerge until he is far
from office, but I'm confident it will. With the luxury of detachment, Americans may
finally one day grasp the damage he's done to national security and civil discourse.
He may even face criminal charges someday. Unfortunately, the damage he's
done is so severe and deep that the presidency and by extension government will be
tarnished for at least a decade.
More disturbing to me though is the behaviour of the media in this sorry affair.
The mainstream mass media completely ignored their responsibilities and lined up solidly
behind Clinton and instead of seeking an objective path through the whole mess they acted
like his cheering section. Media bias has been a hobby horse for me for years but
never have I seen such a blatent disregard for objectivity as I have in this case.
Chet Huntley must be spinning in his grave.
Americans (and Canadians are no better) are intellectually illiterate. The mass
media is a disgrace to the principals of journalism. Right and wrong mean nothing.
The rule of law has been reduced to a heap of rotting garbage. Personal
responsibility has become nothing more than empty words. A blow has been struck
against truth and freedom in the land liberty calls home. It is to weep.
William Jefferson Clinton is a disgrace.
mitchbert 2/13/99 |