Welcome To mitchworld

This site exists for two distinct and not necessarily connected reasons.

Firstly, I wanted to provide a repository of links to news organizations and writers from around the world, as well as a wide range of Canadian links.  I sort of owe a thanks to Matt Drudge for the impetus to this, but all modesty aside I wanted to do it long before I ever heard of the drudge report but was too lazy to get around to the effort.

The second reason for this site is to give mitchbert a home.  The opinions in that area of the site are mine and mine alone, albeit with the volume turned up a touch.   They do not reflect anything other than the neural sparks going off in my head.   Some things mitchbert writes are likely to be offensive to some people.  Frankly, I don't care.  I write for my own amusement and if you disagree with my point of view or method of delivery that's your business.  Have fun pounding your head against the wall.  I welcome reasoned comments on any side of an issue but if you insult me personally don't be shocked if I reply in kind.  All in good fun, eh?

Enjoy the site.

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