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Premier Mike Harris on Dick List

Oh my, aren't we politically sophisticated


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It appears there's a woman out there somewhere that's none to fond of Premier Mike Harris and wants the world to know about it. The Disgruntled Housewife web site, specifically the "Dick List" carries a posting from an unidentified individual that claims to have been Mike's lady some years back. According to the writer, he wasn't exactly the most consistent beau.

Now, am I the only one who finds this just a little suspicious?   First of all, "The Dick List" is a place where women post what are effectively warnings about men that other women can read to identify men who are somewhat less honorable than they might pretend at the beginning of the relationship.  On the surface of it not a bad idea.  Only problem is, anyone could go to this site and post anything they like.  With the various left-wing women's groups in Ontario that think Harris is Satan personified an act such as this wouldn't surprise me one bit.  There just seems to be too many things about the post that don't fit.  First of all, both his first and last name as well as city are used.  This is not universally common.   Many posts are simply first name, last name initial and city.  The writer seems not to know that Harris is in politics...one of her friends told her that she heard he was.  Come on, the guy's the Premier of the most important (economically at least) province in Canada.  Where does this person live now, Fiji?

There's also the bit about Harris being fired from a job for sexual harassment.  I could be wrong, but with all the anti-Harris folks out there is this not a piece of mud that would have surfaced a long time ago?  As well, given the time line I'm reading into the sequence of events, I'm not even sure if sexual harassment laws would have been on the books.  I'm skeptical.

Its really easy to use the web to smear somebody.  I wouldn't put it past the juvenile mean-spirited leftists (why do I suspect the post was written by a teacher?) to do this thinking they were being clever in the hopes of starting a whisper campaign.  Thye left will stoop to any depth.  So will some union activists.   At the same time, lets clear this up.  Someone call Frank Magazine, eh?

mitchbert    98/10/27

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