Dr. Barnett Slepian, Buffalo obstetrician, husband and father of
4 sons, was cut down by a sniper's bullet as he returned home from synagogue Friday
October 23, 1998. He had been the target of aggressive anti-abortion protesters in
front of his home in the past. Dr. Slepian occasionally performed abortions.
No doubt rabid pro-life activists are toasting his death this weekend. The pathetic
hypocracy of the extreme fringe of the anti-abortion movement knows no boundries or
decency. Look, I'm not saying
that abortion should be the preferred choice for any woman regarding birth control.
With the exception of a very few confused individuals I don't believe women want it that
way either. The decision to terminate a pregnancy must be one of the most
gut-wrenching decisions any woman has to face. Yeah, I know some women just say
they'll have an abortion somewhat flippantly, but once their brain starts its "you're
gonna be a mommy" program emotions can take an unexpected turn. But what the
hell do I know, right? I'm just a man. EXACTLY. I'm not the one that is going
to have to carry the little life form for 9 months, have it force its way out of my
crotch, and then have it take over my life for the next 20-odd years. Face it guys,
a man can bolt from his woman and leave her stranded but if she dumps little Adam at the
Wal Mart she's up for free room and board in a concrete closet. It's a woman's call
and men should stay well back.
Come to think about it, the world
would probably be a lot better off if more women were encouraged to have abortions.
Children born to unprepared single mothers who are barely, if at all, able to support
themselves start life at a serious disadvantage. The Murphy Brown paradigm is a
fraud. The vast majority of single mothers who raise their kids without daddy around
are not self-sufficient lawyers. Take a cross section of kids in serious trouble
with the law and you'll find a great many who grew up in so-called non-traditional family
settings from the day they were born, mainly without fathers. Toss in the
poverty and welfare existance of many single moms and what you've got in my opinion is an
act of child abuse. That's not to say poor (or single) people can't raise good
kids. There's no connection between how expensive a kid's running shoes are and
whether he or she will grow up to be a decent successful individual. I know several
people who had positively miserable childhoods due to poverty, missing parents, whatever,
that do quite well for themselves and those around them. But a 15 year old girl that
thinks a baby will complete her life needs a good quick swift kick and a dose of reality,
not to mention a stern lecture on birth control (I thought the schools were supposed to do
that...oh, sorry I forgot. The pro-lifers also tend to oppose sex education in the
schools even though most of them are too uptight to even say the word fellatio).
The murderous lunatics that shoot and
bomb doctors and clinics don't give a rat's ass about human life. They get a hard-on
controlling women's lives. They can't deal with the fact that women have real brains
that can make real decisions in their own best interests. They see a woman's place
in society as a breeding machine they can order around to give their own sorry lives some
purpose. They should be locked up at the first hint of violent behavior. If
you think abortion is wrong, fine. Don't have one. Don't raise your sons to be
hormone-driven two-legged scrotums. Teach your daughters that a teenage male will
say anything he can think of to get her to take off her pants, and no at the age of 16 he
really doesn't understand the meaning of the word love regardless of how hard he tries to
persuade you otherwise. And if the kids boink around anyway and something happens,
let your parental responsibilities and concern for their future mean more than some
convenient interpretation of a 2000 year old book with questionable authorship.
Look, the simple fact is that if
abortion would have been readily available in the early 1960's there's a good chance I
wouldn't be sitting here right now. Fortunately, I was adopted by two loving parents
as an infant and provided with a princely upbringing. I have absolutely no desire to
ever meet my birth mother but if I did I'd thank her for her courage and sacrifice.
If, on the other hand, the alternative was to be subjected to a life of poverty and misery
due to a selfish woman that was totally unprepared to raise a child and refused to seek a
legal and safe way out of the mess she found herself in I frankly would rather have
never seen the light of day.
Rest in piece, Dr. Slepian. The
Almighty knows what was in your heart. Unfortunately for your assassin, He knows
what was in his as well.
mitchbert 98/10/26 |