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The Toronto Star Must Be Stopped

believe in journalistic freedom? get angry and act


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* author's note: since this was written Sun Media has been purchased by Quebecor.  Torstar picked up a few small papers in the final wash.  The good guys won.
     Alright. Mitchbert is angry.  Not the usual volume-increased indignation with the silliness of the world you loyal readers have enjoyed in the week since this web site's been up, but down right cussin', red-faced, slam my beer down on the bar angry.  Angry enough to do what I haven't done since the Monday after the Tianammen Square massacre.  That's right, angry enough to build a placard, get out my marching boots and shout at the top of my lungs.  Arghhhhhhhh!

     Yesterday afternoon the board of directors at Torstar, the corporate monolith that runs the Toronto Star, announced a hostile takeover bid for Sun Media, the company that owns the Sun group of newspapers and Canoe.  The offer is monetarily attractive but moraly bankrupt.  This is the journalistic equivalent of the New Democratic Party of Canada buying Frank Magazine.

     The Toronto Star, in its editorials and columns, has long enjoyed a good sneer at the Sun's expense.  They dismissed it as dead in the water when it was created out of the ashes of the Telegram.  They spout self-righteous indignation at page 3.  They dismiss it as a newspaper for the illiterate.  They smugly suggest that its right-of-centre leaning is part of the mean-spirited Tory attack on the poor, women, handicapped lesbians, etc.  This from a newspaper who employs the gentle and humble Michelle Landsberg, a woman so seething with hatred of anyone who she disagrees with that she describes her intellectual opposites in terms suitable for war criminals.  A newspaper whose so-called "expert" columnists have the unenviable record of being wrong on just about every issue they weigh in on when viewed historically.  A newspaper that  can't keep its editorial positions off its front page (sorry, merely labelling a page 1 story "Analysis" doesn't make it okay in my books). 

     From an investor's perspective, Torstar's offer may look attractive, but there's far more at stake here.  At roughly $10.00 per share SunMedia is undervalued when you look at the potential for growth not only of its publishing business but also its online service Canoe and the potential for profit in the coming explosion of e-commerce.  Hell, at $16.00 its a good deal.  I don't think for a minute that Torstar just pulled that price out of a hat.  They know what SunMedia's really worth and they want it now before everyone else figures it out.  Those suits in Torstar's boardroom are every bit the fat-cat money grubbing elitist robber barons they so smugly accuse others of being.  They can't be allowed to get their hands on our Sun.

     The Toronto Sun is more than just a newspaper.  Its an attitude, and I'd argue one that's distinctly Canadian.  Willing to forge new ground.   Not afraid to take a stand.  And most importantly, confident enough of itself to truly allow a columnist to write what's on their mind even if it cuts against the grain of every other opinion in the paper.  I recall the time Doug Creighton was moved out of his last position.  Could you imagine The Star allowing its columnists to take on the wisdom of the board day after day on the op-ed pages?  Not bloody likely if their behaviour during their union conflicts is any indication.  The Star is a liberal mouthpiece pure and simple and while they don't come out and explicitly say so they're proud of it.  And liberals crave control.  If this takeover happens the new owners will no doubt allow the Sun to operate freely for a little while, but just wait until no further in the future than the next Ontario election.  Godfrey will be pushed out, Torstar will install one of its sheep as editorial page chief, and the castration will begin.  The Torstar group feels it has a social mission to fulfill and there's no way their going to let an independently minded free wheeling "right wing trash sheet" like The Sun get in their way.

     I generally don't like protesters.  That's mainly because they usually waste their time on issues that have no direct bearing on their day-to-day lives and fail to think through the underlying elements of a situation.  But this is different.  Toronto will be intellectually poorer if Torstar gets its mitts on The Sun.  Some of the finest journalists in Toronto will be straight-jacketed.  We can't let this happen.

     I challenge anyone who reads this page and even partially agrees with its message to take action against this affront to the journalistic culture of this great city.  Lets organize.  Lets march on 1 Yonge Street, and soon.   I want to see thousands of loyal Sun readers, those of us who see in "Toronto's Other Voice" an echo of our own, marching, chanting with placards held high, on Fort Torstar.  I want to see sun staffers, from Day-oners to recent hires, standing outside that monolith by the lake chanting "Hell no!"   Those whiners at The Star like "Days of Action" so much?  Fine.   Let's bring one to their front door.  Or better yet, over by the loading docks...specifically the one that they had to enlarge so Michelle Landsberg could get her ego into the building.  No rowdiness now, 'cause we're good little activists.   But a cacophony of jeers as Star-sheep go into work.  A resounding "Hands off our Sun" whenever a suit advances on the front steps.  Maybe even a little "Hey Ho, Hey Ho.  Toronto Star, You Blow!" (After all, I was a committed leftist in my university days...now all they taught me will come back to haunt them.  Oh joy, oh bliss!).

  So what about it, eh?  Do you care enough to save a paper that brought a little life into this stodgy old town?  That speaks its mind so you can see a mirror of your own?  That can thumb its nose at authority yet still be respectful of tradition?  I do, damned straight.  This isn't just about shareholders, stock prices and boardrooms.  This is about culture.  This is about how we want our city and its people portrayed in the media.  THIS IS ABOUT FREE SPEECH AND JOURNALISTIC INTEGRITY FOR CRYING OUT LOUD! Whew.

   So Sunaholics?  Lets get busy.  Someone down there at 333 King pick a day, a time, a marshalling point and lets get going.  Hey Blatch, if you read this, hit one for the old team and get us some cops for free to block traffic as we march down Yonge.  Peter, you've got some buddies that can give a good old-fashioned political-stump type speech; see if you can bug them for some time.  Get all the old day-oners out to stand up for what they built.  And Diane, how about a few articles in The Post on how The Sun is more profitable and a better long term hold than putting your money behind a corporation whose raison d'ete is bashing business?  I smell a revolution here!

    Lets get this going.  We haven't got much time.  email this URL to all your friends, business associates, politicians, clergy and pets (look, we need bodies if this is going to look good on the front page).  Email me:  mitchbert@hotmail.com   and we'll start the wrecking ball rolling.

     I haven't been this excited since I got my first email reply from Blatchford.

mitchbert  1998/10/29

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